On Sunday 1st of November 2020 a first online conference of EOFed members will take place. Usually meetings take place during the Orchestra Festivals only once in three years. To further communications and connections in EOFed the board decided to organise this online meeting in between regular meetings of members. Invitations have been send to the contact adresses of EOFed members. For more information please mail eofed.president@gmail.com or eofed.vicepresident@gmail.com.

The first half of the conference has music libraries as its topic (11.00 h. – 12.30 h. Central European Time). The second half (12.30h- 14.00 h) of the conference has the following topics: European Orchestra Festival; plans for EOFed; feedback and ideas from members; youth committee in EOFed?; International Conference and orchestra in Germany in September 2021 in honour of the Beethoven year.