Vision, Mission and Objectives


Music is an integral part of human society and listening to and making music is a basic need of all humans. EOFed understands its role as being a promoter of music in society, as an advocate of all those who are actively involved in music, listeners and musicians. EOFed focuses primarily on the amateur music scene in Europe, also called recreational music sector.



  • Engages actively in the application of the 5 Musical Rights¹ as declared by UNESCO and IMC and ratified by a large majority of its member states;
  • Represents and acts as a lobbyist for amateur music making with European decision makers at the supranational, national and regional level;
  • Cooperates actively with other musical organisations in Europe and worldwide;
  • Supports its members in promoting recreational music making according to their needs and requests;
  • Strengthens the ties between its members, facilitates cooperation and exchange of experience and musical material;
  • Pays particular attention to the access to music for youth but also all other age groups all over Europe;
  • Organises festivals, seminars on subjects relevant to the continuous development of recreational music making for orchestras, ensembles, groups and individuals;
  • Supports the exchange of sheet music among its members;
  • Consults and advises its members on matters related to good governance of associations and orchestras.



  • Establishment of EOFed as the recognised and reliable partner for all matters related to amateur and youth music making in the “classical-symphonic” field of orchestra and ensemble music making;
  • Continuous recruitment of new members in order to be a truly representative at the European level;
  • Continuous  cooperation  with natural partners such as WFAO, EMC and IMC, by active participation in events and/or through membership.

Middle and short term

  • Consolidation of its membership bases and financial resources;
  • Running of a website and Facebook page as the privileged tool for the dissemination of news and the exchange of information, and for offering services to its members;
  • Use of the website as a source of income by selling space and time to advertisers related to the field of activity;
  • Consolidation of the procedures for the exchange of sheet music;
  • Organisation of the 12th European Orchestra Festival in 2022 and continuous reflection on the concept and format of this Festival;
  • Engagement in the planning of other festivals and events, exchange projects, conferences and meetings, educational projects, workshops and other orchestra projects such as those for/of youth, seniors, amateurs, professionally active amateur musicians, at regional and international levels and/or based on a subject/theme/motto;
  • Organisation of collaboration with composers to get new music to amateur and youth orchestras;
  • Organisation of collect the history of amateur orchestras movement and EOFed festivals;
  • Organisation of any other subjects/matters raised by members, partners, colleagues, which are related to the activity domain of EOFed.

¹ The 5 Musical Rights are:

  • the right for all children and adults;

  • to express themselves musically in all freedom;

  • to learn musical languages and skills;

  • to have access to musical involvement through participation, listening, creation, and information.

The right for musical artists:

  • to develop their artistry and communicate through all media, with proper facilities at their disposal;

  • to obtain just recognition and remuneration for their work.